Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to get my replacement certificate?
Replacement Hunter Education Certificates are available for immediate download from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website. Hunters must visit the website, click “Am I Certified”, and enter the required information in order to access their certificate.
What is the fine for not having the card?
Hunters who are caught without either proof of Hunter Education Certification or a Hunter Education Deferral, will face a fine of up to $500.
What if I’ve lost my temporary education certificate (proof of course completion)?
If you’ve lost your temporary certificate or proof of course completion, and are not yet able to access your permanent certificate, or need proof of course completion to complete a field course, contact HUNTINGsmart! for a new copy of your certificate. Temporary certificates are valid for 90 days from the date of course completion.
What if I obtained my certificate through another course provider?
If you obtained your Hunter Education Certificate through another course provider, you can contact the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for more information, or to obtain a replacement certificate.

Texas Parks and Wildlife
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Trusted from field to stand, Texas approved
The official HUNTINGsmart! Texas Hunter Education Course is approved by Texas Parks & Wildlife, the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) and recognized by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
HUNTINGsmart! has delivered Texas State Approved online hunter safety education since 2018. Our courses are designed and developed by real hunters, subject matter experts and instructional design educators. We’ve certified more than 700,000 outdoor enthusiasts online and are proud to be the choice of hunters from field to stand.